4 weeks / 1 month old!

Friday, July 5, 2013

I took these the day between Owen turning four weeks and one month old.  He had a great check up with the pediatrician - he weighed 9 lbs, 7 oz (43rd percentile), was 21" long (27th percentile), and his head circumference was 39.4 cm (97th percentile!).  At one month, he is sleeping for 4-5 hour stretches overnight, loving Tuesday and Friday evening bathtime, soothing himself really well by sucking on his fingers, starting to give us a real smile every now and then, and is as alert as ever! He loves to be talked to and held, and while he is a real snuggle bug and responds well to being comforted by his parents, he can fall asleep on his own too.  Daddy has started to feed him a bottle of breast milk every day while catching up on the Tour de France, and he did great taking it on his first night with a babysitter while we went out for dinner! Kyle brought a cold home from the hospital which he passed to me and I then shared with Owen, so he's been sniffly for the past week but he's managed to maintain his happy disposition, despite being subjected to saline spray and the blue snot sucker every day! We are having so much fun with him and can't remember what life was like before he was here! 

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