still gr'Owen...7-10 weeks old

Monday, August 12, 2013

Owen has been growing and changing a lot since the 5-6 week update. Thankfully, he has stayed really healthy and has gotten great reports at all of his visits to the doctor.  Now we don't go back until four months!  Unfortunately, our pediatrician, whom we loved, is leaving the practice and moving to NC.  We'll meet her replacement at the next appointment and hopefully we'll feel comfortable with him.  At his two month check-up, he weighed 11 lbs, 11.5 oz (34th %), was 23 1/4 in tall (59th %), and had a head circumference of 41.1 cm (95th %).  Still has a big brain bucket!

The biggest change is probably how smiley Owen has become!  He has always seemed happy, but now that he can smile back at us and even spontaneously smiles and squeals with delight, we know for sure how he is feeling! We both feel amazing when we make him grin. :-) Just in the last week or so, we have noticed Owen discovering his hands.  He has been putting them in his mouth for a while, but now it is clear that he is looking at them.  He holds them out in front of his face and gets a little cross eyed trying to focus on them! He is also tracking other objects well, as long as we move them slowly in front of his face.  He has also been holding his head up higher and for longer stretches while on his tummy.  He is sleeping on average 6-7 hours overnight, from about 8 PM - 3 AM, then falling back to sleep for a couple more stretches before starting his day around 8:30 AM.  We're very happy with his progress, which has happened naturally without any "sleep training", and we're hoping we can modify our morning routine well when he starts daycare in a few weeks.

Here are some close-ups from the last month.

He's got a little "tail!" He may need an early haircut.

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